

The last surviving speaker at Martin luther's Rally is dead

Rep John Lewis, a leader in the civil rights movement and later US congressman, has died at the age of 80. Lewis was one of the "Big Six" civil rights leaders, which included Martin Luther King Jr, and helped organise the historic 1963 March on Washington. As a congressman he was a Georgia Democrat, and represented an area which covered most of its capital Atlanta. In December 2019 Lewis announced that he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. "I have been in some kind of fight - for freedom, equality, basic human rights - for nearly my entire life," he said in a statement released at the time. "I have never faced a fight quite like the one I have now." Obituary: John Lewis During the civil rights movement, Lewis was one of the founders of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and then became its chairman from 1963 to 1966. He co-organised and spoke at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the rally at which Dr King deli

Read Nelson mandela's speech on the day he was sentenced .

One of Nelson Mandela's most famous speeches was made at the start of the 1964 trial at which he was found guilty of sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment. It is known as the Rivonia trial, after the Johannesburg suburb where some of the defendants were arrested. Here are selected excerpts from his three-hour defence - his last public words before he was released from prison in 1990. I do not... deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation, and oppression of my people by the whites. I admit immediately that I was one of the persons who helped to form Umkhonto we Sizwe [armed wing of the African National Congress], and that I played a prominent role in its affairs until I was arrested in August 1962. I, and the others who started the organisation, did so for two reas

My Grandfather is celebrating His centenary Today

Celebrating the centenary of a living ennobled Icon. June15, 1920. It was a time ago,long enough to make the earth lost count of how many times,it has watched the sun travel about it in a slow and steady spate.He had watched the night shed its tears in every season.He had watched the sun breaks out from it shell,rising behind the trees each day,chasing and overtaking the remnants of the night. He had watched the gleaming orb rail in the cloud at seeming slow pace each night.He has experienced seasons;From when the tree clothe itself in green attires in the springtime and to when it stripped its leaves in autumn.His grizzled appearance is not without life experiences. The years he has spent to the Glory of God,is marked with interesting and daring adventures.He might looks frail, as such that comes with old age,but his confident demeanor has never eluded him.Always precise,articulate, eloquent,strong,energetic - I trust he could still climb a ladder - and Poised and fearless.An old livi

African tribe where Lip plate holds sway

Despite civilization and technological advancement, many cultures in the deep heart of Africa haven't been swayed by this development. They have continue to maintain their identity  over the years and are not willing wield to the current trend of human Civilization and 21st century globalization. One of such tribes is the Surma people of southeastern Ethiopia.Surma is a collective term for three ethnic groups — Chai, Timaga, and Suri Baale. Background of Lip plates. During the slave trade, the Surma started using the lip disks to disfigure themselves so that the Arab slave traders would not take them away. Over time, the practise became a sign of beauty and hence it remaining in their culture. The valley is really hot and so clothing is really optional. so instead of beautifying themselves with the latest fashion brands, the children especially, beautify themselves with clay and chalk paintings which they apply at the riverside. This is their fashion statement, their independence a

Have you heard about the Weird Naked Chicken breed

Naked Chicken was developed to be featherless so it can stand the excessive heat. The chicken was developed in Hebrew University Israel by Avigdor Cahaneress to have a far less sensitive chicken to high temperature. The naked chicken in mass production is thought to reduce a lot of processes, including the use of water to pluck the feather. The crossbreed of stewing chicken and featherless fowls received a lot of criticisms from animal rights groups as well as a number of scientists. Not surprisingly, there are many people objecting the use of this breed, reasoning that featherless chickens suffer more than normal ones (already) do. For instance, they are more susceptible to parasites, mosquito bites and sunburns. On the other hand, the scientists behind this weird breed, rebut by mentioning all the advantages naked chickens have over the normal breeds. The Advantages of the Featherless Chicken According to the research team that developed this breed, these featherless birds pose no da

State of the Nation by Pros.pnation

COVID-19: The fear and fight for Survival     Good day Nigerians.Happy new month to you all.Welcome to may.Wishing you all bliss in this month. Last month  as many would want to reckon,was not as exciting and splendid due to the lockdown imposed by various state government.The resulting effect on Nigerians was grievous as people languished in intensed period of inactivity,hunger,diminished source of livelihood,apprehension,aggression etc.The poor struggled to keep their hope of survival alive after exhausting the last penny they had scrubbed hard to get. The action by the govt wa s n’t a punitive gesture but as the only viable option of making headway in addressing the global pandemic.Though it was painful,demanding  but it was of great necessity.Sacrifice needs to be paid for victory to be won. The government as expected,was berated by Nigerians for their non-chalance reaction to the covid-19 outbreak,citing lack of essential healthcare facilities,dilapidated and poorly funded hospit

10 doctors in Kano teaching Hospital Contracts COVID-19

   Not less than 10 medical doctors have tested positive for COVID-19 at the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. The Chairman, Association of Resident Doctors, AKTH, Dr Abukakar Nagona, who made the confirmation to newsmen in Kano, on Tuesday, said the doctors were treating patients, who came to the hospital with symptoms later discovered to be COViD-19. “Eight of the infected doctors have been sent to Isolation centres, while the remaining two have gone into self-isolation in their respective homes, as they were yet to develop any symptoms,” he said. However, he attributed the vulnerability of the doctors to “the absence of adequate Personal Protective equipment, as well as the failure of patients to wear face masks when coming to the hospital for treatment”