My Grandfather is celebrating His centenary Today

Celebrating the centenary of a living ennobled Icon. June15, 1920. It was a time ago,long enough to make the earth lost count of how many times,it has watched the sun travel about it in a slow and steady spate.He had watched the night shed its tears in every season.He had watched the sun breaks out from it shell,rising behind the trees each day,chasing and overtaking the remnants of the night. He had watched the gleaming orb rail in the cloud at seeming slow pace each night.He has experienced seasons;From when the tree clothe itself in green attires in the springtime and to when it stripped its leaves in autumn.His grizzled appearance is not without life experiences. The years he has spent to the Glory of God,is marked with interesting and daring adventures.He might looks frail, as such that comes with old age,but his confident demeanor has never eluded him.Always precise,articulate, eloquent,strong,energetic - I trust he could still climb a ladder - and Poised and fearless.An old livi...