Meet the luhya people of East Africa

Luhya is a unique tribe. It's the second largest tribe in kenya with a population of about 6million people.This bantu speaking tribe is also found in cameroun,Tanzania,Uganda.

The word Luhya is derived from the word Oluyia which means fireplace and is a reflection of the way the Luhyia community used to sit around the fireplace and talk about how their day was. 
A typical luhya woman

The luhya tribe is made up of  about 17-20 subtribe.The sub tribes in Luhya have nearly the same cultures,but there may be varies of language as each dialect tends to have  certain peculiarity in verbal communication. Thus,it is quite difficult for  an Banyala to grasp what a Masaaba, Marama, Tachoni, Bukusu, Maragoli, Samia, Batsotso, Idakho, Isukha, Gisu, Kisa, Marachi, Tiriki, Kabras, Khayo etc Other sub tribe says.some sub tribes can get along in a single language.
The Luhya sub tribes occupy the western region of Kenya that is rich in agricultural land. They mainly practice subsistence farming, but border Nilotic communities like the Luo, Teso, Maasai, and Kalenjin are mainly cattle keepers and fishermen.

The culture  has a clear and definite delineation of  laws and  tradition as it appertains to marriage, family burials and rites of passage.

In marriage,it is the groom's kinsmen that meets the bride's family so as to pay the  dowry,while the sisters of the groom brings the bride home after all obligations has been met.
In the family,the father has the ultimate power followed by the first son.In a polygamous family,the first son of the first wife is the heir to his father,regardless of him been younger than his half brothers of his father other wives.
After the demise of  the husband, the husband's brother or cousin  may decide to take his wife or wives.In some cases,the first son does the same,though not His mother.
Daughters has no say in decision making and they are not liable to  inherit families inheritance.Though in recent times,this has been changed.
When a paramount figure dies,a tree is been uprooted and he is buried there.After  He has been buried, a  sacred tree is also planted  e.g Mutoto,where he is buried.The tree is planted by either innocent virgins or old women.
One of the significant rites of the luhya tribe, is the rite of passage to men folk and it's marked by male circumcision.


Food & Agriculture

The main food for the Luhya people like most Kenyans is ugali (made from maize flour/cornmeal) served with vegetables and meat of cattle, goat, fish or chicken; hence food production in the region is targeted to meet this need. 

Notable people
  • Winfred Adah Omwakwe, Miss Earth 2002. The first from an African country.
  • Yolanda Masinde Miss World finalist, 2000.
  • Musalia Mudavadi, Deputy Prime Minister and 7th Vice President (September 2002 – December 2002).
  • Michael Wamalwa Kijana, 8th Vice President of Kenya (January–August 2003).
  • Moody Awori, 9th Vice President of Kenya (September 2003 – January 2008) .
 P.S African cultures is our pride as a people.Africa has a rich history.
In seeafrica blog,we project the beauty of Africa to the world.


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