Images of Beautiful African Cities

Africa on the international scene is been portrayed as a poverty stricken continent  strewn with slums and eyesore rural communities, filled with alms seeking  men and children loitering the streets.
This notion is far from the truth and anyone who had visited the beautiful black continent will have a different opinion of what is been generally perceived.
As time transcends, the face of Africa has continued to assume new exquisite look.We have had our own share of Urbanization though it lags behind western climes,but at the same time you can't trifle the progress we have made so far.
The images below are aerial view of various capital cities in Africa.


Cairo, Egypt


Gaborone, Botswana



P.S Africa is a beautiful habitation with alluring greenland,tourists'attractions and resorts.Africa is truly a cynosure of Natural Vegetation.


More images coming soon.


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